Our Inprocess Projects

1Improvement to Wadner Kachangaon road VR-68 km. 4/00 to 6/00 in taluka Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha.
2Improvement Wela Inzala Road VR-74 km. 0/500 2/00 tah Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha
3STBT to Rohankheda Godegaon Road VR-74 km. 0/00 to 1/100 Tah. Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha.
4STBT to Daulapur Bhaiyapur Kharangana Road VR-15 km. 0/00 to 2/00 Tah. Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha.
5Tender for execution and handing over of civil works at PGCIL wardha site (Bhel)
6 Repairs to As-15 ZP wardha Gov Quarter at wardha, tah. dist. wardha
1Proposed construction of compound wall at old market yard in premises of administrative building of old market yard of APMC Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha.
2Providing sanitary and painting to the New market building of old market yard of APMC Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha.
3Proposed internal and external basics Electrification of administrative building at old market yard of APMC Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha.
4Providing murum blanketing, overhead water tank underground water tank and well at old market yard to APMC Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha.
5Floor repair and terace flooring of Shetkari Niwara at iod market yard of APMC Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha.
6Providing foundation and 50 mt. weight bridge at chatrapati shivaji market yard of APMC Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha.
7Providing C.C. between existing 16 shop gramin godown and 10 godown and compound wall at chatrapato shivaji market yard of APMC Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha.
8Renovation of godown in places of existing car parking near eight godown of chatrapati shivaji market yard of APMC Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha.
9Providing and spreading murum for filling tree's hole and blanketing for development of otta and office building at Allipur of APMC Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha.
10Proposed electrification and furniture at entrance office at chatrapati shivaji market yard of APMC Hinganghat, Dist. Wardha
11Proposed TGH glass cabin and Furniture of President cabin at chatrapati shivajo market yard of APMC Hinganghat, Dist Wardha.
Other Works
1Construction and renovation of Deoli Bus Stand.
2Administrative Building of Hinganghat Nagar Parishad.
3Boy's Hostel 1st floor of Krida Sankul.
4Construction of PHC building Waigaon.
5Construction of PHC Building Talegaon